Tuesday, January 10, 2012

On the fence of disappointment and assurance...

Today I mustered up the strength to walk into the office where I would demand, rather ask, what the status of my possible impending employment.
There were versions of how the conversation would go reeling through my head for days.

Some of the possible imagined responses to my inquiry included:

"Yes! We are ready to hire you today! We were hoping you could quit your job today, take a week's vacation, and start at a very generous wage.  And we will give you all the free massages from the next door spa that you could ever need!" (Okay, so that version may be slightly exaggerated.. A girl can dream!)

"Sorry, we aren't going to be able to hire you.  We have hired someone else and they have experience in this exact field and position, also they are related to everyone here.  And we will not be paying you for working the home shows." (Alright, also exaggerated... But it was the deep end of the pool with no shallow end.)

Realistic what if's:

"We still want to hire you, but for business financial reasons we cannot do so at this time.  Also we do not have a good grip on the time frame at all.  So keep waiting and we will call you when we are able to hire.  When the time comes, you are our first choice and do not plan to interview anyone else."

"We are able to hire in a few weeks your start date is February 1st."

"We are not going to be needing a receptionist as it turns out."

Well folks, good-ish news is it was the first one in the realistic what if's that they said.  This was bitter-sweet news, but I suppose that is better than bad news.  I was happy to hear that they want me, that I am basically pre-hired!  The bitter part being that the timeline is unknown.  Because they are going through a temporary financial unsettlement and that as soon as they know how that is going to turn out, they will contact with me.  If their issue settles soon and favorably it could be a few months, if it settles soon or later especially unfavorably then it could be a lot longer... A year plus?  This would be very bad news.

In any case, I am going to think about looking for a job that is daytime only and hopefully Monday thru Friday.  This would make me the most happy.  I would create some financial stability and mental stability.  Working in the food service industry is just not cutting it anymore.

Happy for what I have, in love with my husband and my puppy who is not a puppy. :)


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